Deep modification

Deep modifications

In case you want to make deep modifications of this theme (like changing the colors) you have to add the theme as an git submodule rather than as a hugo module.

To create a new site using this theme as hugo module:

# Create site and cd into it
hugo new site my-site && cd my-site

# Make a git project out of it
git init

# Add this theme as a git submodule
git submodule add themes/hugo-fresh

# Add the dependency to the css files as a git submodule and checkout version 0.9.4
git submodule add themes/bulma
cd themes/bulma && git checkout 0.9.4

# Go back from themes/bulma dir
cd ../..

# Remove the default config
rm config.toml

# Fetch the example config
curl -O

# Configure the theme as git submodule
# Remove the 'module' section in the `hugo.yml` and add
# theme: 'hugo-fresh' (See also

# Change the path of the bulma css files
# Replace `` with `bulma` in
# my-site/themes/hugo-fresh/config.yml

# Run the site locally
hugo server

# Open the site in your browser
open http://localhost:1313

Now you’re able to change anything in the theme to your needs.

To change the colors for example, open my-site/themes/hugo-fresh/assets/fresh/partials/_colors.scss and customizes to your needs.

- $primary: #4FC1E;
- $secondary: #F39200;
+ $primary: #b85ca2;
+ $secondary: #2ee62e;